Fiduciary Responsibility Simplified.

Fiduciary Checklist is the only comprehensive process of retirement plan oversight available to plan sponsors.

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Does This Sound Like Your Plan...

No Clear Process

Your process of plan oversight isn't fully documented, or roles and responsibilities aren't clearly assigned.

Insufficient Time

You don't have the knowledge, time or expertise to develop a prudent process of plan oversight.

Reinventing the Wheel

Every retirement plan shouldn't have to develop its process of plan oversight from scratch.

What would it be worth to have... 

  • A documented process to follow, guidance and direction on what areas you need to address.
  • The ability to focus and streamline your efforts for more efficient plan oversight.
  • A more engaged and effective oversight committee.
  • Actionable goals that help to improve your plan for participants and beneficiaries.

Fiduciary Checlist works for any size plan and it compliments the work of other service providers or plan advisors you are already working with.

Fiduciary Checklist helps you to document and streamline your plan oversight to ensure you are meeting all of your fiduciary responsibilities.

Join Us Today

This is perfect for your plan if...

  • You don't have a fully documented process of plan governance.
  • You can't describe your entire process of plan oversight.
  • You want a more engaged and effective oversight committee.
  • You want the best retirement plan possible for your participants.

What's Included...

12 monthly checklists covering different topics of plan oversight delivered straight to your Inbox. 

A benchmarking report for your plan and a monitoring report for your investment lineup.

A copy of my book, The Enlightened Fiduciary - How to Master Retirement Plan Governance.


I'm Kathleen Dulko

I'm the creator of Fiduciary Checklist. In Y2K, I started my career in public accounting in Jacksonville, Florida. I spent almost ten years between two of the largest firms in the world, auditing corporate financial statements and their related retirement plans. Big 4 Accounting was one of the best experiences of my career. I learned so much about corporate structure, governance, and you guessed it…retirement plans! I also learned the value of planning, documenting processes, and using checklists as a means to ensure everything is being accomplished.

In 2009, I moved to Daytona Beach to take on the role of Corporate Controller at the local health care system, where I served as a fiduciary on the retirement plan oversight committee. This opened my eyes to the struggles that Plan Sponsors face, not only in terms of compliance and regulation, but also in juggling the time constraints and commitments of my “real job” with this new role. It became clear to me that Plan Sponsors needed more resources to efficiently and effectively oversee retirement plans. The responsibility isn’t different from one plan to the next, so why are we all creating unique processes to fulfill it?


In 2017, I took over the family business, Ashford Investment Advisors. My time is split between managing investments for high-net-worth individuals and advising retirement plan sponsors. Serving as an advisor to retirement plans has helped me clearly define the need for resources and processes for plan oversight. There are as many ways to oversee a retirement plan as there are retirement plans, but why? Every Plan Sponsor reinvents the wheel of a prudent process of plan governance and oversight. Until now, there hasn’t been one streamlined, documented process that every retirement plan oversight committee could follow. 

Every plot twist in my career has brought me to this point, the design and production of Fiduciary Checklist. It is a culmination of my work with retirement plans, spanning nearly 25 years, from various perspectives. It’s the process I use with my retirement plan clients, and I’m so excited to make it available to you! 

Frequently Asked Questions

are you ready to...

Have Peace Of Mind & Master Retirement Plan Governance

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